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Tempest of the God Preview

Tempest of the Gods Sentences or paragraphs highlighted in gray are optional rules


Golden Rule-Anytime a rule seems to conflict with a card, the card should be considered the final authority. The person whose turn it is retains priority and may summon miracles and spells in response to any cards played. All effects and abilities resolve in the last effect or ability played resolves first. Character cards may do one of five actions; either attacks, drains for faith, drains for “pooled faith,” or moves, or uses special ability.


The Pantheons-You may choose to play a mixed deck, or structure a deck to play a certain Pantheon (Good, Chaos, Evil). Neutral Cards do not have a symbol; Good cards may not summon evil cards and evil cards may not summon good cards. A person playing a mostly a Good pantheon deck (50% or more) with a mixture of Chaos cards summons Chaotic Guardian, Champion or Relic cards at twice (2x) their summoning cost. An mostly Evil deck with a mixture of Chaos cards summons the Chaotic Guardians, Champions or Relics cards at twice their summoning cost. Normally a good pantheon deck summoning chaos cards makes all chaos cards summoned at (2x) their cost, the same condition applies to a evil pantheon deck summoning chaos cards.


Strength-Abbreviated ST. This is a card’s attacking and defensive capability. To destroy a card, its ST must be reduced to 0. Character chards (those cards that will animate) with a ST of 0 are considered to have a ST of 1 for all purposes except for attacking and blocking.


Faith-Abbreviated FT. Faith gives your cards power to summon cards. Whatever your card’s FT score is; can be use for summoning something else with the following restriction (1)-Priest, demi-gods, and deities in play may add their FT to others for purpose of summoning any card, all other cards in play have restrictions as to what they can summon.

Slanting sideways between a 45 and 90-degree angle indicates a card drained of FT. A reminder, followers do not drain (turn sideways) when a priest summons a Guardian, Champion unless the card states different, priest, however, do drain. Followers may then drain individually or with another priest to summon another follower or priest or relic. 


Summoning-Abbreviated SU. Summoning is the number of FT points necessary to bring a card into play. Cards can use their own FT to summon individually, specifically; followers can use their own FT to summon another follower, or a priest. Champions and Guardians can use their own FT to summon miracles or spells in the Battleground, though they must be joined or and there must be an undrained spellcaster (Magepriest) or priest in the battleground. As stated before, priest, demi-gods and deities can summon any card into play.


Followers-Followers are the lower faith cards, many are neutral and have low strength, and however, followers can save you from disaster. Followers have no special ability other then what is printed on the cards. Followers may summon another follower, priest, guardians or champions if they have enough individual faith to summon those things, otherwise a priest, demi-god or deity must be involved in the summoning. Another follower does not summon followers of 0 summoning cost, they simply show up drained in the Wander Area or Temple drained.

When a priest announces he/she is pooling the faith from its followers, the followers do not drain if the “pooled faith” is to summon a Guardian, Champion unless the card states different, priest, however, do drain. Followers may then drain to summon another follower, priest, or relic.

Three undrained followers of neutral or the same pantheon may drain, then discard to the Burial to counter any attempt to destroy a priest.


Priest-Priest is the main card in tempest. There is very little you can do without them. Priest pool faith from undrained cards to summon something, which usually causes the “pooled faith” of those cards to drain. The exception is when summoning a Guardian, Champion. When those cards (Guardians, Champions,) are summoned, any follower cards contributing to the “pooled faith” do not drain. The reasoning behind this is; followers are not awed by the summoning of such in general, they see Guardians, Champions on a everyday occurrence, but they don’t see Relics, Miracles, Spells, Demi-Gods and Deities everyday so they would be more in awe (drained). When summoning those cards, the pooled faith will drain.


Guardians-Guardians are summoned from other dimensions to protect and fight for those that summon them. If they have any special abilities, they are indicated on the lower half of the card. Guardians and Champions may “planar gate.” See special abilities.

Guardians normally summon to a Battleground but can be summoned to a Wander Area. Guardians or Champions may not be summoned to a Temple, unless the card says so; they are expected to be on the front lines to fight for the temple not cowering in it. Some Guardians/Champions have 0 SU cost, they then act like 0 FT cost cards coming into the Battleground drained but for free.


Champions-Champions are similar to Guardians except they usually have higher FT. If they have any special abilities, they are indicated on the lower half of the card. Champions are summoned to the Battlefield only, but may move back to the Homelands.


Temples-Temple provides protection for its occupants and require ST equal to its damage to destroy. The temple must be destroyed before any of its occupants can be harmed unless a player has a card that allows him to bypass into a temple, such as a gate). Temples can hold so many occupants indicated by a “Hold” followed by a number on the card plus 2 relics, the relics do not count toward the hold #. Temples may only be summoned (built) by priest and Demi-gods. Whoever is involved in summoning a Temple must move into the Temple immediately.

When a priest, or demi-god summons (builds) a Temple, those cards undrained may move immediately from the Wander Area to the Temple drained. If cards in one Temple are used to summon another Temple, any number can remain in the previous temple or immediately move to the other. It is a good ideal if you plan on putting more cards in a temple then those who initially summoned the temple to drain producing a individual or “pooled faith”, then playing cards with that FT, then move them to the Temple.

Temples have symbols of good, chaotic and evil printed on them, only cards of the same pantheon or neutrality can be summoned to a temple, but a card of different pantheon may move into a temple. Note, Deities should no longer be able to summon temples; the reasoning behind this is a deity needs priest and followers unconditional faith (not the game mechanic) to become and stay a deity. If they build a temple without any priest or followers their to have faith in them, why or how could they rise to a deity in the first place.

A follower or Priest in the temple can summon another card even if the temple is full, but another card in the temple has to be forced out in this order of precedence, that card is  (1) undrained follower of the lowest faith (2) drained follower of lowest faith (3) undrained priest of lowest faith (4) drained priest of lowest faith or (5) relic, which is put uncarried in the Wander Area.

Followers or priest summoned inside a temple come into play drained inside the temple.

A priest in a temple may only use the “pooled faith” of other cards inside the temple to summon cards outside the temple, these cards are spells, miracles, guardians, champions, demi-gods or deities.

Demi-gods and Deities may only be summoned to Temples (only the followers and priest must be able to believe their deity exist) or Wander Areas (unless the card states different), Champions summoned from a temple go to the Battleground only, but may move back to defend the Homeland. Two Temples of the same pantheon may drain all priest and its followers in both temples to summon a Deity to a smaller Temple of the same faith. A priest must be present in the third Temple for the summoning of a Deity to happen. This speeds up the game considerably. Guardians summoned from a Temple may be summoned to the Wander Area or to the Battleground. Miracles and Spells may be summoned anywhere unless they say “same area of play.”

Destroying a Temple-A temple is in danger when an attacking card gets past any defenders on the battleground, or Wander Area and attacks the temple. If the attacking card has the same or higher ST then the temple, then the temple is destroyed. When this happens all cards in the Temple are placed in the Wander Area and all relics inside the Temple are destroyed.

If a temple only has relics inside when destroyed, then the destroyer may gain temporary control of 1 of the relics. If the relic must remain in a temple (the card says so) the destroying card (character card) must get itself and the relic it is attempting to gain control of back into one of its temples by the end of 3 of its turns or the relic reverts control back to the original owner, then is placed in the discard pile.

Relics forced into the Wander Area by being forced out in order or precedence may be captured/taken control if a character card can damage it.


Relics-Relics are magical or holy items. They can be summoned in two different ways. A player may summon them as normal and play them face up on the card or Temple that will be using the Relic, or you may treat them as 0 summoning card, playing them face down and paying the SU when you actually use it. Relics summoned by individual cards carry to the card that summoned them, but a priest involved in summoning a relic may have the card carried by anyone. 

Relics are not cumulative; a player cannot play 2 on the same card and get double the effect. A player can have two of the same relic in a temple, but only one of them would be operating at a time. A character card can only carry 1 relic at a time. If the character card is destroyed, then so it the relic carried by the character, both are put in the discard pile.

Some Relics themselves have a Hold number on them; in that case, the relic carries the character cards, not the other way around.

Relics are considered carried or uncarried by character cards, when in a temple they are carried by the temple. Relics are removed from the Battleground placed is discard pile  (unless relic says different) when carried with a character card and that character card is destroyed.


Spells-Spells are used my Magepriest in the game and can be played out of turn as long as a player has a Magepriest undrained and can pool faith to summon it. A card must say Spell Cast on it to summon spells. A card that says Spell Cast (ST+FT) on it uses the priest’s ST plus FT together. Demigods and Deities always use their (ST+FT) for purposes of summoning spells, even if it does not say so on the card. Those cards that say Spell Cast (ST) use the priests ST for purposes of summoning a spell. Spells normally may not use “pooled faith” of other cards for summoning a spell, except if the player summoning the spell is willing to let the spell resolve at ½ (rounded down) of its intended effect. 

Spells remain in play unless the card states it is to be discarded after use.

1 spell may be played face down under a Magepriest or Spellcaster for 0 SU and the Magepriest or Spellcaster simply pays the SU cost when he actually uses it, however when the Magepriest of Spellcaster is destroyed, any spells under them are destroyed as well. A Magepriest or Spellcaster may hold a number of spells face down equal to its FT.


Miracles-These cards are summoned only by Priest, Demi-gods and Deities; miracles can also be played out of turn if a player has an undrained priest, demi-god or deity and some cards that produce FT. Unlike spells, miracles may not be saved and used at a later time. Miracles use FT and drain all those cards contributing to a pooled faith.

Miracles remain in play unless the card states it is to be discarded after use.


Demi-Gods-These cards are like powerful priest. They may summon priest, miracles (sometimes spells), temples, and deities as another demi-god. A player needs not have a Temple in play to summon a Demi-god and may be summoned to Temples, or Wander Areas.


Deity-Often the main goal of Tempest, summoning a Deity satisfies a victory condition, though the Deity has to remain in play until that player’s next players turn for the condition to be satisfied. A temple and a priest of the Deities pantheon must be in play to summon a Deity. A Deity may be summoned to a Wander Area, but the priest and the cards involved in the pooled FT must be in a temple. Deities may not summon Temples. They rely on the faith of priest and followers (including demi-gods) to build such things for them.

Deities have statistics and abilities listed on their cards. This is done in case players want to ignore the victory condition where summoning s Deity wins the game. One of the alternate victory conditions is that summoned deity must move to the Battleground.

Two Deities or Demigods of the exact same name in the Battleground of one in your Wander Area and one of the same name in an opponent’s Wander Area cannot exist, both cards are shuffled back into owner’s draw decks as soon as one moves into the Battleground and another one of the same name is played in opposing Wander Areas.



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